Friday, July 15, 2011

Harry Potter will never end.

Harry potter will never end. For so long as I can remember, I have been chanting on and on those incantations, charms and curses; I have been secretly wishing for a Hogwarts acceptance letter, of course delivered by an owl; I have been using the word 'muggles' too often as if it's a real word; I have been swishing and flicking twigs and sticks, expecting to put up sparks; I have been making a lists of what would've been my patronus; I have been imagining living in the alluring world Rowling has created.

Harry Potter will never end. Google returns nearly half a billion hits for the keyword 'Harry Potter,' Harry Potter merchandise from books to movies to toys to theme parks to robes to elf socks, a very much booming business. Harry potter books were translated to over seventy languages. All over the world, Harry Potter exists.

Harry Potter will never end. Chocolate companies will try to make chocolate frogs, kids from everywhere around the globe will continue waiting for owls, the passengers will continue to stare at that wall between platforms nine and ten, Harry potter will have its own lexicon, publishing companies will never go tired of publishing the books, sport junkies will continue to write quidditch as one of their favorite sport, the red heads will be called weasleys, and fans will continue drawing lightning scars in their foreheads.

Harry Potter will never end.  This is its magic

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