Thursday, October 20, 2011

SM's bullcrap labor agenda

*just because i miss writing editorials.

Maria needs a job. There's a newly built SM on their province and apparently, just started hiring salesladies. Wow. Imagine that- a job which pays you with just standing up and guarding the stalls, wearing a nice uniform on heels with nice make-up on, and best of all - you work inside an air-conditioned mall. 

She applies for the job. She buys her own uniform to wear - too expensive, so she'll just have to deal with washing the same uniform every single working day. She needs to pass SSS, TIN, Brgy and NBI clearance, Mayor's permit (WTF right), medical certificate and x-ray, and she needs to pass an interview. 

She got the job. The contract runs up to five or six months only. After which, to get back the uniform investment, she wishes to be a regular employee to somehow increase her daily wage by a whooping Php80 along with thousands of other sales lady. The unlucky ones will go through the whole application ONCE AGAIN. 

Monday to Saturday. Imagine having to stand up - on heels for 12 fuckin hours six days a week. She cannot sit. She must not sit. After a grueling day, she has to wash her uniform to wear them neatly the next day. All this work for the love of a minimum daily wage.

Desperate times - desperate measures. When sales are low and the salesladies are not much of a help, Sy lays some of them off for some time - oftentimes weeklong. Poor Maria, cruel luck, jobless for a week, no salary.

Poor Maria. No one to run to. Apparently, Henry Fuckin Sy repressed the employee's trade union rights. All of them are prohibited from discussing union matters during work - of course, Sy gets them monitored. He'd rather pay for spies than increasing the salary of his puppets - no problems, less costs.

Contractual labor, the very euphemism hiding its true meaning - massive slavery slash human coercion and extortion. Maria gets no benefits, no vacation leave, no sick leave, no 13th month pay, no job security, no individual development. 

Fuck Henry Sy and his fuckin $3 billion net worth of an ass. I hope you meet Moses soon enough.

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