Saturday, September 10, 2011

artemis fouls

This week was both thrilling and exhausting, physically and mentally. I did things I normally deem stupid like watching a movie without prior notice to my wallet and schedule, starting a debate over almost pointless topics, cutting whole day of classes (dysme and uti--not a very good combo), buying anything online, blurting out anything that I had an urge to say no matter how little(sparked trouble I tell you), lying to someone I never lied to, joining an essay contest, and lastly, eating too much that I barfed. I just want to detoxify this weekend.

My friend, my instincts are not just instincts because I absolutely make sure I have data to support whatever claim I make before I even tell anyone about it. (I make sure I insert a "my-hypothesis-is" phrase before the claim if data ain't sufficient/available) Yes, I'm pretty sure I didn't use it this time.  One more thing, you are a pretentious fool. You think you have successfully fooled everyone, you are wrong. I am watching you and later on, the truth will always come out in some way. I'll be waiting for that day, and when it comes, you better think of a better excuse this time jerk or you'll eat your words.

okay. detox, commence.

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