Saturday, December 10, 2011

a camera, finally

You can't always get what you want... instantly.

I spent a whole year working for the biggest Operations Research project I could ever imagine. I'm so happy it was over. Having the company actually use the recommendations, plus the experience of handling a serious project. Seriously, the money was just a bonus.

I saved all my salary. After countless times of going back and forth to malls, camera stores it is an amazing feeling to finally own my own (FIRST) digital camera. On my 21st birthday, I bought a canon a1200 of the powershot series- worth Php 4,000, with batteries, charger, case and a year of warranty. 32scenic modes, 4x zoom, 14.1 megapixels. It has canon lens bitch!

Canon a1200

My parents are apprehensive with these kinds of technology. They don't see the value in purchasing an apple or mac products when you can buy the same thing, different brand, functions in the same way, in a waay waay more cheaper price. They don't see the fuss about extra harddrive space when purchasing computers. Plus, more often than not, the shelf-life of these products, they say, depends MORE on the user. As a consequence, I have to buy my own stuff. Which is okay, really, since I learn to value them more. I take care of 'em nicely as my hard-earned money is waay waay to precious to turn to nothing.

So hello blog, you shall now be bedazzled with loads of pictures. :)

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